Potions and Obstacles

Dear Parents,

We started our week playing in the classroom with math manipulatives, and reading books. During circle we worked on I words for our alphabet chart. Ice and igloo were the first words which was funny because we were ice cold. 

We read The Greedy Python, When Sophie Gets Angry- Really, Really Angry, and Feelings A to Z. Everyone made angry faces like Sophie, and we talked about why she was angry and what made her feel better. Someone said that the outdoors and the beech tree made her feel better. It was true. 

We mixed four potions this week. We used quart sized seltzer bottles, adding water and oil to one, water and cornstarch to another, water and dish soap to the third, and corn syrup to the fourth. We also added different colors of food coloring to each: yellow, red, blue, and green. We observed how the cornstarch and oil sat on the bottom of the bottles until we shook them like crazy. The corn syrup was very slow and thick, someone said, “Like syrup.” 

The class made more observations about the four potions: "The blue one looks like the ocean." "The yellow one looks like a pineapple." "The blue one is like a bath." "Because of the bubbles." "The red one is like strawberries because it's red." 

On Friday we did an obstacle course. We balanced on a long trail of big wooden blocks, stepped through a hula hoop, climbed up the big slide, down the little one, crawled through a long tunnel, over two bean bags, and then did it all again. Around and around we went until our line went mumbo jumbo. Afterwards we played in the big room.

Have a restful warm weekend,
